
Histoire d'autres mondes

Histoires d'autres mondes

What is Histoires d'autres mondes :

Histoires d'autres mondes is a group that I created of my own accord with the aim of naming the working group that I created in order to facilitate communication and avoid having to say "The group is out..." and therefore taking the risk of confusing the potential reader.

As it stands, Histoires d'autres mondes does not have a legal or other identity, it only serves to be a common identity for all members of the group in order to avoid having to use "the group" when talking about Histoires d'autre mondes.

Etymology of the name

I chose to call the group that way because from my point of view, these words represent exactly what I like to do "Telling stories from other worlds" and adapting them in the form of a game or something else for the purpose of sharing them.

The creation :

I created Stories from Other Worlds with the aim of bringing my working group together under the same banner in order to better hope and motivate members and facilitate communication. future games and stories

Todays :

Today Histoires d'autres mondes has 5 members/volunteers (including me) but only 2 really active, there again my corrector of spelling and me who also acts as moderator on the attached discord server : discord

It is also 1 text game published under this name on gamejolt

And coming soon stories to read on Neovel & Yume !