
Histoire d'autres mondes

How to support us:

You like the story of histoires d'autres mondes or simply whants to help us to devellop ourselve ?

So why not doing a donation on Utip or Patreon:

Utip Patreon
Image de profile de LechevalierKonnard Image de profile de LechevalierKonnard

Why support us :

Here we don't write stories or create games with the sole aim of making money, but rather we create games and stories because we like to share them and invent them, while of course hoping that our public appreciates our efforts.

This is why if you hope that we continue to exist like this and that we continue to offer you better and better quality work each time we will appreciate your support, That is why to thank you for your gratitude we have set up the following counter parts according to how much you give:

(one-time donation).

2 € an honorary role on Discord.

3 € an access to the game demo + the possibility to have 1 page in advance on a story + the previous counterpart.

3,50€ an access to the last "public" version of the game + the possibility to have 4 page in advance on a story + all the previous counterparts.

5 € the complete game at the end of development + The background of a character of your choice + all the previous counterparties.

(Monthly donation)

At 3€ per month

FAQ, reserved for monthly donors

A demo of the main game

An honorary role on Discord

At €9 per month

Access to summaries of other stories

Access to the test version of games in development

The ability to have 5 page advance on stories

The background of a character of your choice

+ all previous giveaways.

At 12€ per month

Access to exclusive lores for donors related to ongoing stories

Subscription to all current and future otherworldly story games, allowing you to request a copy of any game produced by us even in development

You can request a copy of any of our games in development

At 15€ per month

Access to virtually ALL of the lore of a universe

With finally, the possibility to ask for the integration of one of your character in a story at the choice of story of other worlds that could even have an important role in the story, for more detail ask your question on discord!